Personal Styling for Women

Wardrobe Detox, Personal Styling and Shopping

The way we feel about ourselves and the impression we leave on others, often comes from the way we behave and how we dress.

I believe that feeling your best begins with what you wear.

My mission is to enhance your overall wellbeing by aligning your wardrobe with your inner confidence and personality.

Discover your unique fashion ‘Je ne sais quoi’ as I unlock your innate sense of style. Through personalised consultations, I empower you with practical tools and frameworks that ensure you always look and feel confident, no matter the occasion.

I invite you to reach out to me to schedule a complimentary initial meeting on Zoom.

This personalised session will allow us to delve into your specific needs and preferences, enabling me to tailor a personal styling experience perfectly suited to you. It’s an opportunity for us to connect, understand your style aspirations and outline how I can best support you in achieving your fashion goals.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I look forward to guiding you on your style journey.


Embrace new trends fearlessly,

regardless of your age, shape, or lifestyle!

I specialize in empowering women to embrace a fresh perspective on fashion trends and discard outdated ‘fashion rules’.

I provide positive and straightforward advice, empowering mature women to confidently explore new styles and express their unique personalities through fashion.

My expertise in fashion seamlessly combines classic and contemporary styles, incorporating rediscovered treasures from your wardrobe that often go unnoticed.

Together, we will cultivate a style that not only reflects your unique personality but also boosts your confidence and leaves a lasting impression in every situation.

Nothing to Wear?

Clothing and our wardrobes can be a continual demand on our time, money and emotions rather than a source of enjoyment. The most common problem is a full, disorganised wardrobe and a feeling of having “nothing to wear”.

The reality is that we have too much. Clothes have usually been accumulated without planning and too many items have been bought for one use only….. work, casual, active or formal.

Are you feeling guilty?

An organised, well edited and loved wardrobe will make you look your most attractive, feel great and will bring out that unique, individual style that every woman has.

I invite you to reach out to me to schedule a complimentary initial meeting on Zoom.

During our session, we can explore the transformative benefits of having an organized, well-edited wardrobe.

Together, we’ll discuss how this approach can enhance your appearance, boost your confidence, and highlight your distinctive, individual style—all qualities that every woman possesses.

Let’s embark on this journey towards a wardrobe that not only reflects your inner confidence but also simplifies your daily dressing routine.

I think it is important for a woman to be unapologetically, herself.
To wear what she wants and what she loves.

Diane von Furstenberg